Chapter 4: Home
After a few close calls, one with Ms. Edwina on the seventh floor who insisted on looking under the blanket draped over Sam’s shoulders, they…
Ahmed’s New Eye
No one wants to wake up in a hospital. Whether you nodded off in a waiting room or are tucked into a hospital bed by…
Chapter 3: New World
It didn’t take long for Sam to recognize the changes. And the longer they drove, passing through suburban neighborhoods and long stretches of once-open fields,…
Chapter 2: Changes
Sam opened his eyes, shocked by what greeted him. He wasn’t in the hospital any longer, pinned to a bed by leather restraints, tubes streaming…
Chapter 1: Awake
When Sam woke, every part of him hurt to move. He hurt even when he tried to open his eyes and so he did so…
The Old Man and the Bird
Ralph definitely had some sort of accent although if pressed neither he nor Samuel could have told you what it was. That might have been…